Thursday, September 13, 2007


We signed up for classes today. Here's my schedule, though it is subject to change:

10:30-11:45 Advanced Language and Composition (a IES)

8:00-9:15 European Union from 1945-Present (a IES)
10:45-12:00 Palestinian Question from 1945-Present (a IES)
15:45-17:00 Palestinian Question from 1945-Present (a IES)
17:15-18:15 Phonetics (a IES)
20:30-22:00 Tennis (a l'Universite de Nantes)

9:00-10:15 European Union from 1945-Present (a IES)
13:00-14:00 Advanced Language and Composition (a IES)
20:30-22:00 Volley-Ball (a l'Universite de Nantes)

9:00-10:15 France and the Atlantic World: 16th-18th Centuries (a IES)
17:30-19:30 Phonetics Lab (a l'Universite de Nantes)

10:00-12:00 Advanced Language and Composition
12:00-13:00 Conversation

I'm also really thinking about singing in the University choir, and also changing the phonetics class to the Theatre Production class that they have at IES. The theatre production class is on thursdays at 11:30, and I'm not sure yet when the choir meets!

1 comment:

Jon and Helen said...

We enjoy reading your comments. It is just like being there and having a bit of vacation, ourselves. You are a very good diarist.

Jon and Helen