Anyway, we got our drinks and a table right underneath the tv (my neck is still sore!). It turned out to be an awesome match. There were several Irish men in the pub, which was nice because for once we weren't the loud obnoxious ones. The trick is, rugby has now ruined me for American football. We are such wusses compared to these guys! They seriously run the medic out, have him take a towel to mop the blood off the guy, all in the middle of the field where they keep on going. It was awesome. Right before half-time the girls and I went over to the gelateria
The funny thing was, we just picked a place at random (I think, it was actually Derek's choice) but we ran into over a dozen other IES student there! A bunch of them were upstairs watching the match the whole time. Alison went with some of them at the end of the night to go to a discotheque, but I decided to call it an evening. We (Derek, Fi, Christine and I) walked Caitlin home, then caught one of the night buses. Christine lives right next to Derek and Fi, I'm about a fifteen minute walk away. Derek walked me home, then stayed for a little bit to talk. Its been really great finding a group of people here who I feel so comfortable with, and who have been really supportive. This isn't an easy thing, leaving home, your family and your friends, but I've got a really wonderful support system here between my awesome host family and my friends.
Tonight we had dinner with another family, Kara and her host parents. It was really fun. Crazy thing is, she knows Matt Langston, one of my friends at Wartburg. The two of them went to high school together. We were good and didn't speak English until we broke off into the salon. Here were the courses for dinner:
1. Bread and some sort of regional pate
2. Pasta with mushrooms, and a fish plate (and the first glass of red wine I've actually liked)
3. Cheese and bread
4. Vanilla ice cream with melted chocolate
5. Tea
So basically, we sat down to start eating at 9:00, and only just now finished. Before dinner, my dad and I took a bike ride around the river, which took us past TWO castles. They (the French) are very nonchalant about them, but holy cow!! Two castles, just like that!
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